engineered management systems inc.
Beyond The Basics
There are many other questions that will arise as you begin to work with a Bridge Management System (BMS):
- what is the cost of deferring this project?
- what is the history of this structure and where are the records?
- where is my maximum benefit to cost potential?
- what other structures should be rehabilitated concurrently with this one?
- what maintenance procedures should I be following and at what intervals?
- where do I keep track of maintenance activities?
- what support do I have for the decisions I'm making?
- how do I integrate my decisions and data with other systems we use?
- can I easily generate reports and export data to PSAB or MPMP?
- how do I extract and export specific data?
- can I reconcile cost estimates with actual as-built results?
- how do I put all this together in a report to council?
If your BMS can't answer these questions, you'll soon wish that it did.
@ copyright 2020, Engineered Management Systems Inc.